Venus (2017) | Handmade enveloppe, Japanese woodblock print | 11 x 15cm

In the context of the event Cultural Capital of Europe artist B.C. Epker and I organised a mailart initiative. Traveling to Cyprus by car and bridging the distance between Paphos and Leeuwarden, the two cultural capitals of 2017 and 2018 respectively. Along the way we stopped in 6 different locations and made a visual exploration of the genius loci. These postcards size designs were printed in the Japanese technique and send to subscribers. Each week, over a period of 6 weeks they received a postcard in the mail.

Staalovens bij Duisburg (2017) | Waterbased woodblock print | 10,5 x 14cm

Cruisschip bij Venetië (2017) | Waterbased woodblock print | 10,5 x 14cm

Sinasappelplukker Cyprus (2017) | Waterbased woodblock print | 10,5 x 14cm